How to Effectively Remove a Sissoo Tree

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It’s hard to imagine that a tree could crack the foundation of your home, disrupt your plumbing system or even damage your pool – but New Heights Tree Service has encountered all of this and more when removing Dalbergia Sissoo Trees, also known as the Indian Rosewood.

The company, which specializes in tree removals in Phoenix and the surrounding area hears from homeowners every day who wish they’d had these destructive trees removed earlier – and by the experienced New Heights Tree Service team.

Examples of Sissoo Tree Damage inside the home

Many unsuspecting homeowners select these trees for their landscaping needs because they offer much-needed shade from the Arizona sun and are resilient, fast-growing and low maintenance. However, these trees can also cause thousands of dollars in damages due to their invasive root system.

The Sissoo Tree matures at about five-years-old, which is when damage typically begins. However, New Heights Tree Service recommends removing these trees as soon as possible for an easier removal and to prevent any damage from the tree’s roots – which can grow up to six inches in diameter. The trees themselves can also grow incredibly large, very quickly – more than 60 feet tall in some cases – making them more difficult to remove.

When removing a Sissoo Tree, it’s critical to work with an experienced tree service company that has successfully removed the trees before. New Heights Tree Service has twenty years of experience in tree service, specializing in tree removals. Last year alone, they removed at least 100 of these damaging trees for homeowners, businesses and communities.

Many homeowners receive a quote from New Heights Tree Service and either wait on having the tree removed, or move forward with a less experienced team, only to find themselves back at square one, or worse, with more damage than they started with.

Because of New Heights Tree Service’s extensive experience, the team is prepared, knowing that when the Sissoo Tree is removed, the tree will continue to struggle for survival – growing back from its roots with even more vigor than before and potentially causing even more problems.

Unlike other tree service providers, New Heights Tree Service has a multi-step process for removing Sissoo Trees. Once the tree is removed, they apply a treatment to the roots and stump that ensures it does not continue to grow. A member of the New Heights Tree Service team also educates homeowners on how to continue this treatment.

When improperly removed, Sissoo Trees’ aggressive, fast-growing roots can start causing damage again just a few short months after the tree is removed, forcing the tree’s owner to schedule yet another removal service.

Because of New Heights Tree Services’ high demand, the company often cannot accommodate potential customers after an unsuccessful tree removal due to the time needed to correct the problem, so it’s critical for homeowners to ensure they have the tree removed correctly the first time.

In some cases, if the tree has not caused too many issues and the client would like to keep the tree, New Heights Tree Service can install a root barrier to minimize any future damage from the tree’s roots. This is also an option for those who don’t own the tree but live near one and want to ensure no damage is done to their property. The barrier is placed in the way of the Sissoo Tree’s roots to stop them from growing toward a building or other structure that could be in harm’s way.

If you think you might have a Sissoo Tree causing damage at your home or business, it is important to confirm with an experienced tree service provider as soon as possible. If you recently purchased a home or building near these trees it is possible your inspector did not realize the potential threat, as they are only instructed to look for visible damage from landscaping, and do not check any underground disruption that might come from the invasive roots.

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