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Winter Tree Care in Phoenix

While we may not experience sub-zero temperatures here in the desert and surrounding area around Phoenix, that doesn’t mean we can forget about proper tree care and maintenance. In this…
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Tips for Trimming Trees in Phoenix, AZ

Trimming trees is not as simple as it sounds. Many of the trees that can be found in and around Phoenix require proper care and equipment in order to maintain…
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Prevent Underwatering Trees in Phoenix, AZ

Everyday we receive calls from customers that their trees are dying. These people are noticing brown leaves and/or dead branches…and they desperately want to know what they can do, or…
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Common Questions About Tree Removal

On this page, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to tree removal, and provide answers to questions that one should consider when looking…
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5 Reasons to Never Top Your Tree

As we drive around the Phoenix area, we have started to notice a disturbing trend: trees that have been badly disfigured by a practice known as “topping.” Topping a tree…
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Three Things to Know About Sissoo Tree Removal

Phoenix, Arizona area residents know that finding the right plants for your yard can be difficult – between the freezing temperatures in the winter and the blazing hot summers, there…
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The Sissoo Tree Case Studies

The Sissoo Tree The tree you should never have planted or have on your property. The Sissoo tree, also known as the shisham tree or the North Indian rosewood, is…
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Before Sissoo Tree Removal

Don’t Remove Your Sissoo Tree Before Talking to New Heights Tree Service  Sissoo tree? Don’t remove it. . . until you talk to us! If you’re reading this, it’s likely…
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How to Effectively Remove a Sissoo Tree

It’s hard to imagine that a tree could crack the foundation of your home, disrupt your plumbing system or even damage your pool – but New Heights Tree Service has…
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Sissoo Tree Removal

Don’t Remove Your Sissoo Tree Before Talking to New Heights Tree Service  Sissoo tree? Don’t remove it. . . until you talk to us!     If you’re reading this,…
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The Sissoo Tree

The tree you should never have planted or have on your property… Sissoo (Indian Ironwood) trees are listed as one of the most invasive trees of the world due to…
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Preventing Monsoon Storm tree damage

Proper tree maintenance and tree trimming is important to preventing emergency tree damage. During Monsoon storms it is the wind that causes the most storm damage to trees, often resulting…
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Desert tree trimming and pruning in Scottsdale AZ

Desert trees, palo verde and mesquite trees are very common in residential neighborhoods and have tendency to be over grown with large canopies that grow quickly due to the abundance…
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Tree removal in Phoenix AZ of Ash tree

Ash trees have been very common trees in the Phoenix area for many years as they are a hearty medium sized tree that grows into a nice full canopy. There…
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Mesquite tree pruning trimming

We had the opportunity to trim this very old Mesquite tree in Scottsdale Saturday. It was very full and had many branches that were over growing each other and one…
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And more tree wind damage

Well look what we have to clean up. This tree had some weak branches that fell in the recent wind storm. These branches had weak unions attaching them to the…
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Winds do damage to trees

Yesterday’s winds caused some damage to a lot of the valleys trees. Branches were downed or broken and hanging. Trees that are not properly maintained by a tree expert can…
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Tree damage due to high winds

Wow what a windy day today, the trees and palm trees were swaying in the wind. This is mothers natures way of trimming trees. It’s time to think about thinning…
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Tree trimming and wind storm cleanup

Well plenty of tree pruning or trimming this week. We worked on some Ficus, Ash and Mulberry trees this week that have been trimmed or topped previously by non PROFFESIONAL…
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Tree wind damage cleanup

Well as expected the high winds we saw yesterday did cause some damage bringing down branches and some weak trees. We were out cleaning up tree damage caused by the…
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Tree damage from wind?

Trees are taking a beating from the strong winds we experienced today with gusts up to 45 mph. Wind damage to trees is mother natures way of trimming away the…
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Ficus, Benjamina tree trimming, pruning

Ficus trees grow very well in our arid climate and are quite tolerant you our hot summer temperatures. In their natural habitat they can grow up to 90+ feet and…
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Storm damage and tree removal

It has been a busy monsoon storm season with many trees being damaged from strong winds and micro bursts. Many of these trees were ripe for being blown down or…
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Tree removals due to Micro burst

The micro burst we had earlier this week knocked many trees in east Phoenix and New Heights Tree Service was out in force cleaning up with many tree removals. There…
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Storm damage tree removal

We have received many calls from homeowners with trees damaged from the recent monsoon storms. These monsoon storms bring isolated strong winds or micro bursts that cause havoc on trees,…
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Storm damaged tree removal

We spent the day removing 5 trees that were damaged by our recent storms. Proper tree trimming would have saved all of these trees. These trees were planted by a…
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Acacia trees need infrequent deep watering

Yesterday we talked about weeping acacia trees. All acacia trees need proper watering, infrequent deep watering. Acacia trees are susceptible to root rot. Which is caused by frequent Watering, where…
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Tree trimming and tree removals

It was another busy day with tree trimming and tree removals. Tree maintenance is essential for the best health of urban trees. We can spot problems before they become a…
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Proper Tree Care

Proper tree care is essential for the health and safety of trees in an urban environment. Using correct industry standard tree trimming practices would  have saved all of the trees…
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Monsoon storm trees downed

We’ve had many calls over the last couple of months for trees that have been blown down by the strong winds associated with the monsoon storms we have  been experiencing…
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